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This is a list of automated (cron) jobs that the bot does.


Repeat: Every 10 minutes

Description: It updates, if configured, the public Bank Leaderboard embed/message


Repeat: Every 5 minutes

Description: To fasten up actions, the bot caches some stuff, such as config/cache/faq, every 5 minutes


Repeat: Every 5 minutes

Description: It will delete from the database every shop discount that's expired. Note that if a discount is expired but hasn't yet been deleted, it still means it's expired and will not be used when customers buy


Repeat: Every 10 minutes

Description: Check if the snipers are alive (running) (the ones added in the VPS List) and restart if needed. In case of error it will log in the configured logs channel (if it's an error that repeats everytime, it will only log every 3 fails)


Repeat: Every 15 minutes

Description: Check if the top 20 tokens in the queue are still valid, otherwise refund the orders


Repeat: Every 10 minutes

Description: It updates, if configured, the public FAQ embed/message


Repeat: Every 5 minutes

Description: It updates, if configured, the public Queue embed/message


Repeat: Every 5 minutes

Description: Request Stats from the API every 5 minutes. And if configured, the public Stats embed/message gets updated


Repeat: Every 5 minutes

Description: Checks if the invoices (created by customers) are completed/voided


Repeat: Every 1 minute

Description: Rotate the Status/Presence Activity (check this)